

The month of October is officially dedicated as employee recognition month. It is a time of introspection that provides us an opportunity to pause and recognize the outstanding workforce that supports our mission everyday. We recently held our annual “Kentucky State Police Civilian Awards Luncheon” to highlight some incredible accomplishments on the part of our Chapter 18 employees. I have included excerpts of my remarks at the request of some of those in attendance:

“Throughout history we see hope used and discussed in a variety of settings…in the Bible and numerous books and publications of today. In every instance HOPE IS A VERB. It is always action oriented….

Hope is confidence of a better tomorrow…..Hope is realistic and balanced of things not yet seen….Hope allows you to survive the evils of a German concentration camp…Hope whispers to try it one more time when the situation screams to give up….

Without meaningful hope, we live in a world with no compass and no direction. I have compiled a list of my hopes for you as we celebrate your achievements today:

• I hope that you have fun at work and laugh whenever the opportunity presents itself.

• I hope you know that today we are celebrating the many “little” things that you do everyday that add up to big things.

• I hope that your everyday progress is as important to you as the end result.

• I hope that your supervisor gives you recognition often…not just during employee appreciation week.

• I hope that you love your job and look forward to the challenges that your work brings each day.

• I hope that you derive some inner satisfaction and fulfillment from what you contribute each day.

• I hope that you feel empowered to do your job each day.

• I hope that you know that you are a major stockholder in our company called the Kentucky State Police.

• I hope that you are continuously challenging yourself and looking for ways to build a better mouse trap.

• I hope that you know that a small detail is sometimes the difference between success and failure.

• I hope that you are sharing your knowledge and passion with those willing to listen.

• I hope that you are grooming someone to take over your job someday.

• I hope you celebrate the small wins.

• I hope that you realize that tough times never last but tough people do!

• I hope that you hope…

• Above all I hope that you know how much I and the Command Staff appreciate your hard work, sacrifices and dedication to our agency everyday. We are truly great because of you.”

It is estimated that in large police agencies it takes a minimum of two civilian support personnel for every trooper/officer to do their job. If you do the math, our agency is no exception. There is seldom a day that passes that I don’t recognize the talent, sacrifice, and dedication of all of our employees. The people who work under the Kentucky State Police flag are truly the best that state government has to offer.

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